▶ 제품 규격/사양
Feature |
Specification |
Starting culture voulme |
1 - 10 ml |
Preparation time |
< 20 min |
Elution volume |
50 - 100 µl |
Expected DNA yield* |
Up to 20 µg |
Expected DNA purity |
A260/280 > 1.8 |
* Plasmid 종류에 따라 측정 값의 차가 있을 수 있습니다.
▶ 구성품
구성품 |
K-3030 (200 reaction) |
K-3030-1 (50 reaction) |
PA1 Buffer (Resuspension) |
60 ml X 1 ea |
15 ml X 1 ea |
P2 Buffer (Lysis) |
60 ml X 1 ea |
15 ml X 1 ea |
PA3 Buffer (Neutralization) |
80 ml X 1 ea |
20 ml X 1 ea |
PB Buffer (Endonuclease A denaturation) |
75 ml X 1 ea |
20 ml X 1 ea |
W2 Buffer (Washing) |
80 ml X 2 ea |
40 ml X 1 ea |
EA Buffer (Elution) |
25 ml X 1 ea |
15 ml X 1 ea |
BST Solution |
40 ml X 1 ea |
10 ml X 1 ea |
RNase A powder, lyophilized |
6 mg X 1 ea |
1.5 mg X 1 ea |
AccuPrep® Binding Column-II plus |
200 ea |
50 ea |
Collection Tube (for filtration) |
200 ea |
50 ea |
사용설명서 |
1 ea |
1 ea |
▶ 작업 순서
▶ 실험 자료

Figure 1. Improved yield.
AccuPrep® Plasmid Mini Extraction Kit는 high & low copy number 의 plasmid DNA 모두에서 높은 수율을 나타냅니다.
- Lane B; AccuPrep® Plasmid Mini Extraction Kit
- Lane 2, 3; Competitors
Figure 2. Restriction enzyme digestion test.
200 ng of extracted plasmid DNA (pBluescript SK(+)) was digested with XbaI. Each enzymes completely recognize its restriction enzyme site and digest.
- Lane M; Molecular weight marker (λDNA/HindIII + EcoRI, Cat. No. D-1070, Bioneer)
- Lane 1; AccuPrep® Plasmid Mini Extraction Kit
- Lane 2, 3; Competitors
200 ng of extracted plasmid DNA (pBluescript SK(+)) was digested with various restriction enzymes. Each enzymes completely recognize its restriction enzyme site and digest.
- Lane M; Molecular weight marker (λDNA/HindIII + EcoRI, Cat. No., D-1070, Bioneer)
- K; Kpn I - X; Xho I
- SI; Sal I - H; Hind III
- E; EcoR I - P; Pst I
- Sm; Sma I - B; Bam HI
- S; Spe I - Xb; Xba I
- N; Not I - Sc; Sac I