배양 세포, 동물 조직, 식물 조직 등 다양한 샘플 시료로부터 고순도, 고수율의 RNA 추출 가능
최대 120 µg의 높은 binding capacity를 갖는 silica based RNA binding column 사용
Column을 개별 멸균 포장하여 오염을 최소화
Washing buffer에 ethanol이 첨가되어 있어 편리하게 사용 가능
응용 분야
• cDNA synthesis
• Quantative real-time RT-PCR
• Northern blot analysis
▶ 제품 규격/사양
Column loading volume |
800 μl |
Max binding capacity |
~ 120 μg |
Elution volume |
30 μl - 100 μl |
Preparation time |
~ 20 min |
시료 종류 |
시료 양 |
RNA 수율 |
순도* |
Cultured cells |
104 – 108 cells |
15 – 20 μg |
A260/280 > 2.0 A260/230 > 1.7 |
Mammalian tissue |
25 – 50 mg |
10 - 60 μg |
Plant tissue |
100 mg |
30 - 60 μg |
*시료의 종류에 따라 측정 값의 차가 있을 수 있습니다.
▶ 구성품
구성품 |
K-3141 (50 reaction) |
K-3140 (100 reaction) |
RB Buffer (RNA Binding) |
30 ml x 1 ea |
60 ml x 1 ea |
RWA1 Buffer (1st Washing) |
40 ml x 1 ea |
80 ml x 1 ea |
RWA2 Buffer (2nd Washing) |
70 ml x 1 ea |
70 ml x 2 ea |
ER Buffer (Elution) |
10 ml x 1 ea |
20 ml x 1 ea |
AccuPrep® Binding Column-Ⅲ |
50 ea |
100 ea |
1.5 ml Tube (for collection) |
50 ea |
100 ea |
사용설명서 |
1 ea |
1 ea |
▶ 실험 자료

Figure 1. Cultured cell RNA extraction using AccuPrep® Universal RNA Extraction Kit
RNA extraction from 1×106 of HeLa cell. DNase was not treated.
1: Bioneer, 2: Company Q

Figure 2. Plant RNA extraction using AccuPrep® Universal RNA Extraction Kit
RNA extraction from 100 mg of Brassica oleracea var. italica. DNase was not treated.
1: Bioneer, 2: Company Q

Figure 3. Animal tissue RNA extraction using AccuPrep® Universal RNA Extraction Kit
RNA extraction from 20 mg of Mus musculus liver. DNase was not treated.
1: Bioneer, 2: Company Q