▶ 제품 규격/사양
시료 종류 |
시료 양 |
DNA 수율 |
순도* |
Soybean |
100 mg |
2 ~ 5 µg |
A260/280 > 1.7 |
Maize |
100 mg |
1 ~ 4 µg |
Potato |
100 mg |
1 ~ 4 µg |
* 시료의 종류에 따라 측정 값의 차가 있을 수 있습니다.
▶ 구성품
구성품 |
K-3031 |
PL Buffer (Plant Lysis) |
40 ml X 1 ea |
PC Buffer (Precipitation) |
25 ml X 1 ea |
WA1 Buffer (Binding) |
40 ml X 1 ea |
W2 Buffer (Washing) |
120 ml X 2 ea |
EA Buffer (Elution) |
25 ml X 1 ea |
RNase A powder, lyophilized |
24 mg X 2 ea |
Proteinase K, lyophilized |
25 mg X 2 ea |
AccuPrep® Binding Column-I |
100 ea |
Collection tubes (for filtration) |
100 ea |
1.5 ml Tube (for elution) |
100 ea |
사용설명서 |
1 ea |
▶ 작업 순서

▶ 실험 자료

Figure 1. Comparison of genomic DNA extracted from Raphanus sativus (100 mg) using AccuPrep® Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit and competitor's kit(Competitor Q, single column).
- M; Bioneer 1 kb Ladder
- Lane 1-2; Bioneer AccuPrep® Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit, mean yield; 1.5 µg, mean purity; 1.71
- Lane 3-4; Competitor Q Genomic DNA Extraction Kit, mean yield; 0.9 µg, mean purity; 1.86
Figure 2. Comparison of genomic DNA extracted from Brassica oleracea (100 mg) using AccuPrep® Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit and competitor's kit(Competitor Q, single column).
- M; Bioneer 1 kb Ladder
- Lane 1-2; Bioneer AccuPrep® Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit, mean yield; 5.4 µg, mean purity; 1.78
- Lane 3-4; Competitor Q Genomic DNA Extraction Kit, mean yield; 4.7 µg, mean purity; 1.79
Figure 3. Comparison of conventional PCR targeting sus1 (sucrose synthase 1) gene from Maize (50 mg) genomic DNA and cox1 (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) gene from watermelon seed (50 mg) genomic DNA purified with AccuPrep® Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit(Bioneer, manual/single column), MagListo™ 5M Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (Bioneer, manual/magnetic bead) and competitor's kit(Competitor Q, single column). AccuPower® GoldHotstart Taq PCR PreMix was used for amplification.
- M; Bioneer 1 kb Ladder
- Lane 1-2; PCR product from genomic DNA of Zea mays purified with AccuPrep® Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit
- Lane 3-4; PCR product from genomic DNA of Zea mays purified with MagListoTM 5M Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit
- Lane 5-6; PCR product from genomic DNA of Zea mays purified with competitor Q kit
- Lane 7-8; Negative control
- Lane 9-10; PCR product from genomic DNA of Citrullus lanatus seed purified with AccuPrep® Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit
- Lane 11-12; PCR product from genomic DNA of Citrullus lanatus seed purified with MagListoTM 5M Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit
- Lane 13-14; PCR product from genomic DNA of Citrullus lanatus seed purified with competitor Q kit
- Lane 15-16; Negative control